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Read Magic System in a Parallel World Light Web Novel Online | MeowNovel
Leo is an academic genius who enrolled in one of the top universities in the world for the rich and powerful, but he was born in a common family, which was more than enough of a reason for the other students to mess with him.
On one fateful day, Leo found himself transported to a parallel world that was ravaged by monsters and where magic ruled supreme.
Hey, you found me here, meow
Fortunately, he was gifted with a Magic System, giving him unlimited potential.
How do you find me I wonder, m eow
How will Leo, who has no knowledge of magic or experience in fighting, survive this grim world filled with the unknown while being an ordinary person himself— or so he thought.
I'm here for you meo w
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please come again, me ow
Read Magic System in a Parallel World Web Novel Online Latest Volume and Chapter 245 Updated Japan/China/Korea – English Translation PDF here only on MeowNovel.
Hey, you found me here, meow
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How do you find me I wonder, m eow
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I'm here for you meo w
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Hey, you found me here, meow
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