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Read Chronicles of the Reincarnated Demon God Web Novel | MeowNovel
This is the sequel from story Chronicles of the Reincarnated Demon God
The Junior Heavenly Demon, Yeon Woon-hwi, was born without a dantian.
However, through dark arts and his shitty personality— er, preternatural ability, he became the junior lord of the Heavenly Demon Cult.
He was a man of many epithets:
Hey, you found me here, meow
‘Great Sorcerer of the Dark Arts’
How do you find me I wonder, m eow
‘King of the Wandering Lost Souls’
But the people’s assessment of him was simple:
I'm here for you meo w
“If he smiles, run as fast as you can. His smile is a death sentence.”
“Catch his eye, for he shall provide you with lifelong protection. That is, if you can.”
please come again, me ow
He was living the good life, when suddenly, he was betrayed in a coup led by the vice-lord and elders of his cult.
“You seem to have forgotten what kind of person I am, Uncle. So die. All of you.”
Hey, you found me here, meow
Using the holy relic of the first Heavenly Demon, he self-destructed, taking the traitors with him. And then, he opened his eyes to the most unexpected of places…
“I’m in the Tang Clan? And a branch family at that?”
How do you find me I wonder, m eow
He awoke as Tang Woon-hwi, an illegitimate son of the Nine Dragon Branch Family, a subset of the Sichuan Tang Clan.
Will Woon-hwi be able to find his master, bring together his scattered followers, and rebuild the Heavenly Demon Cult?
Dive into *Chronicles of the Reincarnated Demon God* and experience the thrill of a world where danger and power intertwine at every turn.
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I'm here for you meo w
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please come again, me ow
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Hey, you found me here, meow
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