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Read Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto’s twin sister Web Novel | MeowNovel
This is the sequel from story Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto’s twin sister
How will the person who, in her previous world was known as the Goddess of Ice, deal with the world of Naruto?
This story will loosely follow canon and will focus on how a powerful, wise, and slightly insane person will affect the story and its characters. Slightly AU
Release schedule: 1 Chapter/day
I am currently releasing this fanfic only on and If you are reading this elsewhere, it was not released by me.
Hey, you found me here, meow
The early chapters had some writing and grammar mistakes, so I went over them a second time, which should have fixed most of the mistakes.
How do you find me I wonder, m eow
The cover was commissioned by me and was created by Liilica on fiverr
I'm here for you meo w
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Dive into *Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto’s twin sister* and experience the thrill of a world where danger and power intertwine at every turn.
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Let’s read Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto’s twin sister web novel online the latest volume and new chapter japan/china/korea to english Translation PDF download here only on MeowNovel.
Hey, you found me here, meow
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How do you find me I wonder, m eow
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Hey, you found me here, meow
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