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Read Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family Web Novel | MeowNovel
This is the sequel from story Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family
His talent was forged on the battlefield, but before he could fully develop it, he died.
However, when he opened his eyes again, he realized he had been reborn as Dane Sogres, the youngest son of a prestigious count.
Hey, you found me here, meow
The talent he now possessed… was not limited to just one field?!
A talent in spearmanship, assassination, magic, summoning, and even swordsmanship—which he had not been able to develop fully before!
How do you find me I wonder, m eow
He can finally nurture his endless talent in the embrace of the happy family he had always longed for.
I'm here for you meo w
“Spearmanship! Dane must absolutely learn spearmanship!”
“Are you saying that because you really don’t know how useful learning stealth and assassination skills could be?”
please come again, me ow
“Magic is the future, Father, Mother!”
Hey, you found me here, meow
“For my younger brother… summoning would also be really nice…”
…Mm, this is a happy family, right?
Dive into *Reincarnated as a Genius Prodigy of a Prestigious Family* and experience the thrill of a world where danger and power intertwine at every turn.
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How do you find me I wonder, m eow
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I'm here for you meo w
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please come again, me ow
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Hey, you found me here, meow
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